Samacheer Kalvi Class 8 History Chapter 1 Advent of the Europeans Solutions

Samacheer Kalvi Class 8 History Chapter 1 Advent of the Europeans Solutions

Welcome to NCTB Solutions. Here with this post we are going to help 8th class students by providing Solutions for Samacheer Kalvi Class 8 History Chapter 1 Advent of the Europeans. Here students can easily find all the solved solution for class 8 Social Science, History Chapter 1, Advent of the Europeans Exercise questions. Also here our expert History Teacher’s solved all the questions with easily understandable language with proper guidance so that all the students can understand easily. Here on this post students will get Chapter 1 Advent of the Europeans exercise solutions. Here all the solutions are based on Tamil Nadu State Board latest syllabus.

Advent of the Europeans Chapter 1 Solutions :

(I) Choose the correct answer : 

(1) Who laid the foundation of Portuguese power in India?

(a) Vasco da Gama

(b) Bartholomew Diaz

(c) Alfonso de Albuquerque

(d) Almeida

Answer : 

Correct Option → (c)

Alfonso de Albuquerque laid the foundation of Portuguese power in India.

(2) Which of the following European Nation was the foremost attempt to discover a sea route to India?

(a) Dutch

(b) Portugal

(c) France

(d) Britain

Answer : 

Correct Option → (b)

Portugal was the foremost attempt to discover a sea route to India.

(3) In 1453 Constantinople was captured by ___

(a) The French

(b) The Turks

(c) The Dutch

(d) The British

Answer : 

Correct Option → (b)

In 1453 Constantinople was captured by the Turks.

(4) Sir William Hawkins belonged to _____.

(a) Portugal

(b) Spain

(c) England

(d) France

Answer : 

Correct Option → (c)

Sir William Hawkins belonged to England.

(5) The first fort constructed by the British in India was ___.

(a) Fort William

(b) Fort St. George

(c) Agra Fort

(d) Fort St. David

Answer : 

Correct Option → (b)

The first fort constructed by the British in India was Fort St. George.

(6) Who among the following Europeans were the last to come India as traders?

(a) The British

(b) The French

(c) The Danish

(d) The Portuguese

Answer : 

Correct Option → (b)

The French were the last to come India as traders.

(7) Tranquebar on the Tamilnadu coast was a trade centre of the ___.

(a) The Portuguese

(b) The British

(c) The French

(d) The Danish

Answer : 

Correct Option → (d)

Tranquebar on the Tamilnadu coast was a trade centre of the The Danish.

(II) Fill in the blanks

(1) National Archives of India (NAI) is located in __

(2) Bartholomew Diaz, a Portuguese sailor was patronized by __

(3) The printing press in India was set up by __ at Goa in 1556.

(4) The Mughal Emperor __ permitted the English to trade in India.

(5) The French East India Company was formed by __

(6) __ the King of Denmark issued a charter to create Danish East India company.

Answer : 

(1) → New Delhi

(2) → King john II

(3) → Portuguese

(4) → Jahangir

(5) → Colbert

(6) → Christian 4th

(III) Match the following

(1) The Dutch 1664
(2) The British 1602
(3) The British 1600
(4) The French 1616

Answer : 

(1) The Dutch → 1602

(2) The British → 1600

(3) The Danish → 1616

(4) The French → 1664

(IV) State true or false

(1) Auto biography is one of the written sources.

(2) Coins are one of the material sources.

(3) Ananda Rangam was a translator served under British.

(4) The place where historical documents are preserved is called archives.

Answer : 

(1) → True

(2) → True

(3) → False

(4) → True

(V) Consider the following statements and tick () the appropriate answer

(i) Governor Nino de Cunha moved Portuguese capital from Cochin to Goa.

(ii) Portuguese were the last to leave from in India.

(iii) The Dutch founded their first factory at Surat.

(iv) Sir Thomas Roe was sent to Jahangir’s court by King James I of England.

(a) i & ii are Correct.

(b) ii & iv are Correct.

(c) iii is correct.

(d) i, ii & iv are correct.

Answer : 

→ (d)

i, ii and iv are correct.

(ii) Find out the wrong pair :

(a) Francis Day – Denmark

(b) Pedro Cabral – Portugal

(c) Captain Hawkins – Britain

(d) Colbert – France

Answer : 

(a) Francis Day – Denmark (Wrong)

(b) Pedro Cabral – Portugal (Wright)

(c) Captain Hawkins – Britain (Wrong)

(d) Colbert – France (right)

(VI) Answer the following in one or two sentences.

(1) Give a short note on Archives.

Answer : 

The Importance of archives in the overall history is immense. This is the field of history that helps us to know the events that happened in antiquity. It is impossible to proceed to the stages of history with archiving because if we do not carefully preserve all the information we receive many things will remain unknown. The event of the past strongly influence our way of life and history. Without proper preservation the data will not degrade and will effect bad enough on present and future. From the information of old days we leave about the economic, cultural, socio-political issues of mankind NAI is the largest archives in Asia located in Delhi.

(2) Write about the importance of Coins.

Answer : 

Coins are a remarkable part of historical sources. From the coin we can know about the kings reign, hobbies even the economic condition of the kingdom.

(3) Why Prince Henry is called ‘Henry the Navigator’?

Answer : 

Henry the Navigator :

The Portuguese have earned their place in history with hard work. mental goal and indomitable courage. They have found new ways through sea expeditions. Prince Henry of Portugal, who always inspired his country’s citizens to do so, they became interested in exploring new regions of the world.

So, Prince Henry called ‘Henry the Navigator’

(4) Name the important factories established by the Dutch in India.

Answer : 

The important factories established by the Dutch in India are –

(i) pulicat,

(ii) Surat,

(iii) Chinsure,

(iv) Kasim bazar,

(v) patna,

(vi) Nagapatnam,

(vii) Balasore,

(viii) cochin.

(5) Mention the trading centres of the English in India.

Answer : 

The trading centres of English in India are –

(i) Surat.

(ii) Agra.

(iii) Ahmedabad.

(iv) Broach.



Next Chapter Solution : 

👉 From Trade to Territory

Updated: August 1, 2023 — 8:08 am

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