NCTB Class 7 Math Chapter Seven Exercise 7.2 Solution

NCTB Class 7 Math Chapter Seven Exercise 7.2 Solution by Math Expert. Bangladesh Board Class 7 Math Solution Chapter 7.2“Simple Equations” Exercise 7.1 Solution.







Chapter Name

“Simple Equations”

7.2 Solution

Exercise: 7.2

(1) Solution:- Let, the number is = x

Therefore, 2x +5 = 25

=> 2x= 25-5

=> x= 20/2

= 10 Therefore, The number is 10.

(2) Solution:- Let, the number ix ‘x’

Therefore, x- 27= -21

=> x-27= -21

=> x= -21+27

= 6

Therefore, Number is 6.

(3) Solution:- Let, the number is ‘x’

Therefore, x/3 = 4

=> x= 12

Therefore, The number is 12.

(4) Solution:- Let, the number is ‘x’

Therefore, (x-5) x5 = 20

=> 5x- 25 – 20

=> 5x-25 = 20

=> 5x = 20+25

=> x= 45/5

= 9

Therefore, Number is 9.

(5) Solution:- Let, the number is = x

Therefore, x/2 – x/3 = 6

=> 3x -2x/6 = 6

=> x= 36

Therefore, the number is 36.

(6) Solution:- Let, the numbers are, x, x+1, x+2

Therefore, x+x+1x+2 = 63

=> 3x = 63-3

=> x= 60/3

= 20

Therefore, 1st number is = 20

2nd, number is = 20+1= 21

3rd number is = 20+2= 22

(7) Solution:- Let, the smaller no. is = x

Bigger No. is = (55-x)

Therefore, 5(55-x) = 6x

=> 275-5x= 6x

=> 11x= 275

=> x= 275/11

= 25

Therefore, smaller number is = 25

Bigger number is = (55-25)

= 30.

(8) Solution:- Let, Rita has x Rs.

Gita has (x-6) TK.

Mita has (x+12) TK.

Therefore, x +x-6+x +12 = 180

=> 3x +6= 180

=> 3x= 180-6

=> x= 174/3

= 58 TK.

Therefore, Rita has 58TK.

Gita has (58-6) = 48 TK.

Mita has (58+12) = 70TK.

(9) Solution:-  Let, the price of khata= x TK.

Therefore, price of pen = (75-x) TK.

Therefore, x-5= 2(75-x+2)

=> x-5 = 2(77-x)

=> x-5= 154-2x

=> x-5 = 154-2x

=> x+2x= 154+5

=> x= 159/3

= 53

Therefore, price of khata 53TK.

Therefore, price of pen (75-53)TK.

= 22TK.

(10) Solution:- Let, the total No. of fret = x

Therefore, Apple = x X ½ = x/2

Orange = x X1/3 = x/3

Orange= 40piece

Therefore, x/2 + x/3 +40= x

=> 3x+2x+240/6 = x

=> 5x+240 = 6x

=> x= 240

Therefore, Total No. 240.

(11) Solution:- Let, the age of son = x yr.

Father’s present age = 6x yr.

Therefore, 5yrs later,

Age of son = (x+5) yr.

11 of father = (6x+5) yr.

Therefore, (x+5) + (6x+5) = 45

=> 7x+10 = 45

=> 7x = 45-10

=> x= 35/7

= 5

Therefore, son’s present age 5yr.

Father present age = (5×6) = 30yr.

(12) Solution:- Liza: sikha age = 2:3

Therefore, Let, age = 2x & sikha’s age = 3x yr.

Therefore, 2x+3x= 30

=> 5x= 30

=> x= 30/5

= 6yr.

Therefore, Liza’s age = 2×6 = 12yr.

Sikha’s age= 3×6 = 18 yr.

(13) Solution:- Let, suman’s run = x

And, Iman’s man = 2x-5

Therefore, x+2x-5 = 58

=> 3x= 58+5

=> x= 63/3

=> 21

Iman’s run = (21×2-5)

= 37.

(14) Solution:- Let, the distance = ‘x’ km.

10min = 10/60

= 1/6

Therefore, to cover x km in 30km/hr take time x/30hr,

And, to cover 25km taking time x/25hr.

Therefore, x/25 – x/30 = 1/6

=> 6x-5x/150= 1/6

=> x = 150/6

= 25km.

(15) Solution:- Let, the breadth= ‘x’ m

Length= 3x m

Therefore, 2(x+3x) = 40

=> 8x= 40

=> x= 40/8

= 5m

Therefore, Breadth is = 5m

Length is = (3×5) = 15m.

Updated: December 18, 2020 — 9:09 am

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