NCTB Class 6 Math Chapter Four Exercise 4.1 Solution

NCTB Class 6 Math Chapter Four Exercise 4.1 Solution by Math Expert. Bangladesh Board Class 6 Math Solution Chapter 4 “Algebraic Expressions’’ Exercise 4.1 Solution.









Chapter Name

“Algebraic Expressions’’


4.1 Solution

Exercise:- 4.1

(1) What is mean by the following algebraic expressions:


(i) 9x= 9 times of ‘x’

(ii) 5x+3= Addition of three with 5 time of ‘x’

(iii) 3a+4b= Addition of 3 times a and 4 times of b.

(iv) 3axbx4c= Product of 3 times a, 4 times of c. and b.

(2) Write down the following by using the symbols +,-,x and ÷:


(viii) a/b+3

(ix) pq+r

(x) xy-7

(3) How many terms are there in the expression 2x+3y÷ 4x 5xX8y and what are the terms?


There are three terms that’s are –

2x,3y÷ 4x, 5xX8y

(4) Find out the coefficient of every of x:


(i) 7xy= Number of terms 1.

(ii) 2a+b= Number of terms 2.

(iii) x-3y+5z = Number of terms 3.

(iv) 5a+7bXx-3c÷y= Number of terms ‘3’.

(v) x+5xb-3÷c= Number of ‘3’.

(5)(a) Find out the coefficient of every term:


(i) Co-officient of 6b is 6.

(ii) Co-officient of xy is 1.

(iii) Co-officient of 7ab is 7.

(iv) Co-officient of 2x+5ab is 2 and 5.

(v) Co-officient of 2x+8y is 2 and 8.

(vi) Co-officient of 14y-4z is 14 and -4.

(vii) Co-officient of -1/2 xyz is -1/2.

(4) (b) Find out the coefficient of x:


(i) Letter co-officient of x is a.

(ii) Co-officient of x is a.

(iii) Co-officient of x is a.

(iv) Co-officient of x is py.

(6) If the price of a pen is TK. X and the price of a book is TK. Y, what is meant by each of the following expressions?


(i) 3y= Price of 3 books.

(ii) 7x = Price of 7 pens.

(iii) x+9y= Price of 1 pen and 9 books.

(iv) 5x+8y= Price of 5 pens and 8 books together.

(v) 6y+3x= Price of 6 books and 3 pens together.

(7) (a) If the price of a notebook is TK. X, the price of a pencil is TK. Y and the price of a rubber is TK. Z,

(i) What is the total price of five notebooks, five pencils and two rubbers?


Total price of 5 notebooks and six pencils are = (5x+6y)Rs/-

(ii) What is the total price of eight pencils and three rubbers?


Total pencil of 8 pencils and three rubbers are = (8y+3z) Rs/-

(iii) What is the total price of ten notebooks, five pencils and two rubbers?


Total price= (10x+5y+2z)Rs/-

(7)(b) If the price of a group of four bananas is TK. X,

(i) What is the price of 5 group of four bananas?


The price of 5 group of four bananas= 5x Rs/-

(ii) What is the total price of eight pencils and three rubbers?


Price of 12 bananas = 12/4 x

= 3x Rs/-

(8) Write down the correct answer:

(i) Which one of following will be the result if 5 is subtracted from two times of x?


(b) (2x-5)

(ii) Which one of following will be the sum of 3 times of a with y times of x?


(a) (3a+xy)

(iii) Which one of the following will be the result if the product of b and x is subtracted from the product of a and c?


(c) (ac-bx)








Updated: December 4, 2020 — 7:37 am

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