NCTB Class 6 Math Chapter Five Exercise 5 Solution

NCTB Class 6 Math Chapter Five Exercise 5 Solution by Math Expert. Bangladesh Board Class 6 Math Solution Chapter 5 “Simple Equations” Exercise 5 Solution.









Chapter Name

“Simple Equations”


5 Solution

Exercise:- 5 

(1) Which one of the following is the value of the variable in the equation x+3=8?


X+3= 8

=> x= 8-= 5

Therefore, value of x =5

X=5 (b) (Answer)

(2) Which one of the following is the root of the equation 4x=8?


Equation, 4x=8

=> x= 8/4

= 2

(3) Amount of Mack’s money is twice the amount of Marrie’s money. They have together 30 taka in total. How much money does Marrie have ?


Let, Marrrie’s money = x Rs

Mack’s money – 2x Rs

Therefore, x+2x = 30

=> 3x = 30

=> x = 30/3

= 10

Therefore, Marrie have (d) 10 Rs.

(4) What is the peremeter of a rectangular garden having length of x metre and breadth of y metre?


Perimeter of a rectangular garden = 2 (x +y)m.

(5) Find out the value of x when 3 is added to twice x that gives a sum of 9.


2x +3 = 9

=> 2x = 9-3

=> x= 6/2

= 3

3 (a) (Answer)

(6) In the equation 6x+3=9


6x +3 = 9

=> 6x= 6

=> x=6/6

= 1

Correct is (a) (i) and (ii)

(7) If a, b, c refer to any number and a=b


A, b, c refer to any number and a=b

Therefore, (d) (i), (ii), (iii) are correct.

(8) What is the ratio of greater and smaller number?


The ratio of greater and smaller number is—(d) 4:1

Let smaller= x; greater= 4x

4x-x = 30                                  Therefore, = 4×10

=> x= 30/3                                                    = 40.

= 10

(9) What is the smaller number?


Smaller number is = 10 (b).

(10) Bimal bought an exercise book and a pencil for 30 taka from a shop. The pencil costa x taka and exercise book cots twice the cost of the pencil. Look at the following data:


Therefore, x+2x = 30

=> 3x= 30

=> x= 10Rs

Pencil cost 10Rs ; Exercise book cost = 2×10

= 20 Rs

(d) (i), (ii), (iii)

(11) Sum of two natural numbers is 24. Then,

(1) If one number is 8, which one of the following is the other number?


Other number is = 24-8

= 16

(2) Twice of which of the following numbers is added to 6, the sum well be the same?


The answer is (a) 6.


Solve the following questions (12-32):

(12) Solution:-

X+4 = 13

=> x = 13-4 = 9

(13) Solution:-

X+5 = 9

=> x = 9-5

= 4

(14) Solution:-

Y+1 = 10

=> y = 10-1


(15) Solution:

Y- 5 = 11

=> y = 11+

= 16

(16) Solution:-

Z +3 = 15

=> z =15-3

= 12

(17) Solution:-

3x = 12

=> x = 12/3

= 4

(18) Solution:-

2x +1 = 9

=> 2x = 9-1

=> x = 8/2

= 4

(19) Solution:-

4x-5 = 11

=> 4x = 11+5

=> x = 16/4

= 4

(20) Solution:-

 3x-5 = 17

=> 3x = 17+5

=> x = 22/3

(21) Solution:-

7x-2 = x+16

=> 7x-x = 16+2

= 6x = 18

=> 18/6

= 3

(22) Solution:-

3-x = 14

=> -x = 14-3

=> -x = 11

=> x = -11

(23) Solution:-

2x +9 = 3

=> 2x = 3-9

=> x =-6/2

= -3

Solve by forming equation (24-35):

(24) If 6 is added to twice a number, the sum will be 14. What is the number?


Let, number is = x

Therefore, 2x +6 = 14

=> 2x = 14-6

=> x = 8/2

= 4

(25) If 5 is subtracted from a number, the difference will be 11. What is the number?


Let, number is x.

x- 5 = 11

x- 5 = 11

=> x= 11

= 16

(26) What is the number whose 7 times will be equal to 21?


Let, number = x.

Therefore, xX7 = 21

=> 7x = 21

=> x = 21/7

= 3

(27) If 3 times number is added to 4 times a number, the sum will be 23. What is the number?


Let, number = x.

Therefore, 4x =3 = 23

=> 4x = 20

=> x = 20/4

= 5

(28) If 3 times number is added to 5 times that number, the sum will be 32. Find the number.


Let, number = x.

3x+ 5x = 32

=> 8x = 32

=> x= 32/8

= 4

(29) If twice of a number is subtracted from four times the number, the difference will be 24. Find the number.


Let, the number = x.

4x-2x = 24

=> x= 24/2

= 12

The number is 12.

(30)  If the price of a pen is less than is specified price by 2 taka, the price would be 10 taka. What is the price of the pen?


Let, price of the pen = x Rs.

x- 2 = 10

=> x= 10+2

= 12Rs

(31) Monika has 4 times more chocolates than Kanika. They have 25 chocolates together. How many chocolates does Kanika have?


Let, Kanika have = x chocolates

X+4x = 25

=> 5x = 25

=> x = 25/5


Therefore, Kanika have 5 chocolates.

(32) The sum of two consecutive even natural numbers is 30. Find the numbers.


Therefore, x+x+2= 30

=> 2x = 30-2

=> x = 28/2

= 14

One number is  = 14 and another number is = (14+2) = 16

(33) The sum of three consecutive odd natural numbers is 27. Find the numbers.


Let, three consecutive odd natural numbers x, x+2, x+4

Therefore, x+x+2+x+y = 27

=> 3x = 27-6

=> x = 21/3

X = 7

Therefore, Three numbers are = 7, (7+2) = 9, (9+2) = 11

(34) The Length of a rectangular flower garden is 2 metre more than its breadth.


Let, the breadth of garden = x.

Length = (x+2)

(a) If the breadth of the garden is x metre, find its perimeter in terms of x.



Therefore, 2 (x+2+x)

=> 2 (2x+2)

=> (4x+4)m

(b) If the perimeter of the garden is 36 metre, what will be the cost to clean per square metre?


2 (x+2+x) = 36

=> 2 (2x+2) = 36

=> 4x+ 4 = 36

=> 4x = 36-4

X = 32/4

Breadth = 8m

Therefore Length = (8+2) = 10m.

Area = (10×8) = 80sqm.

 (c) It cost 320 taka to clean the garden. What will be the cost to clean per square metre?


To clean per square meter cost = 320/80 taka

= 4 TK.

(35) The sum of three consecutive natural numbers is 24.

(a) If the smallest number is x, write down the other two numbers in terms of x.


The other two numbers are x+1, x+2

(b) From the given facts, determine the three numbers.


X+ x+1 +x+2 = 24

=> 3x = 24-3

=> x= 21/3


Three numbers are, 7, 8, 9.


Updated: December 5, 2020 — 9:14 am

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